Day 4


In 4th session, our faculty asked whether anyone of us would be willing to volunteer for some unknown task. At first, no one came forward to accept being a volunteer, however, later, three students volunteered. The task was initially to be done by another volunteer who not only failed to come to the class but most importantly failed to inform and hand down the task to someone else for the time being.

The same volunteer had apologised in the previous class for leaving without informing, but since this was repeated once again, it does not seem like the apology was genuine or that she realised where she went wrong. The faculty had called her and put the call on speaker for everyone to listen as her inaction wasn't just affecting her but all the rest of us as well as we too had to give in our time and get involved in the issue and the discussion that followed it. We too were at fault for being unaware of the whereabouts of a volunteer who wasn't doing the task for herself but for all of us on our behalf, so we should have been more involved and aware as well. On being asked for volunteering once again, I hesitated to put my hand up as I was unaware about the task and so, I didn't know if I would be able to do it or not and in case I wouldn't have been able to I would have disappointed so many people. But, at that moment I didn't realise that by not willing to even give it a try, I already disappointed my faculty, and so did all the others by not showing willingness to be doing something that was for no one else but us. He could have picked up anyone randomly to do it but he didn't as he wanted us to take up the task willing and be eager to learn important lessons in the process. However, if a similar situation would have arrived at an office where a promotion was at stake, we certainly would have volunteered. What we failed to understand then is that in both situations the volunteers were to gain something, in the office scenario it was promotion and in the class it would have been some experience, some skill set or some life lessons. One of the girl who volunteered then withdrew, said she would have volunteered in the office where promotion was at stake and not here in class and when she was faced with more questions asking her to differentiate between the two scenarios and why won't she volunteer here, she got overwhelmed and burst out into tears and followed by her retreat from the class to calm herself down. A few of her friends wanted to go out to comfort her when she got a little overwhelmed but no one bothered to enquire about why didn't the first volunteer show up? However, the teacher stopped them from rushing to the aid of the overwhelmed girl, he's explanation to which was that she's big enough to deal with such little things on her own.

After the discussion we moved forward with the class.

In this session, we watched the first ever fiction film which goes by the name ' The Great Train Robbery'.It came out in 1903 and was a 12 minutes 10 seconds long film.
The shots and their descriptions are as follows:

1. Shot 1
- A man (Man 1) was seated on a stool reading a newspaper in some cabin
- Two men ( Man 2 & Man 3) with guns break in the cabin
- Man 1 gets up from his seat and pulls some sort of chain but is forced to get back to    his seat at the gunpoint by Man 2
- Man 2  & Man 3 hide, Man 2 under the table and Man 3 near the door
- Man 4 come to the window and is handed some papers by Man 1, after which Man 4 leaves
- Man 3 knocks down Man 1
- Man 2 & Man 3 tie Man 1 down
- Man 2 & Man 3, fled from the cabin

2. Shot 2

- Four men ( Four Robbers) are hiding behind a water tank situated near railway tracks
- A train reaches the water tank and stops there
- A man standing at the top of the train starts filling in water from the water tank and after filling the water the man goes back inside the train
-  The four Robbers board the train
- The train starts to move

3. Shot 3

- A man in a train compartments checks the things kept in there
- He hears some sound from outside the compartment and carefully looks out through the door
- He realises that there are robbers on the train
- He quickly closes and locks the suitcase kept open in the compartment
- Two robbers break in the compartment
- The two robbers as well as the man who was already there in the compartment start firing their guns and the man who was there in the compartment from the beginning gets shot
- The robbers steal the anything valuable they find on the man who got shot
- The robbers then explode the locked suitcase, steal money from it along with the three sacks that were kept in the compartment and fled the compartment

4. Shot 4

- The robbers get to the roof of the train
- One robber locks one of the train drivers in the driving compartment
- The second robber fights the other train driver, kills him and throws him down the train
- The locked in driver is made to stop the train and brought out of the driving compartment

5. Shot 5

- The two robbers and the driver get down the train, disconnect the train compartments from the engine, and drive the engine a little further from the train compartments.

6. Shot 6

- The other two robbers make the passengers get down the train at gunpoints
- The passengers stand outside the train with their hands up
- One passenger tries to run away, is shot by one of the robber and fals down on the tracks
- The robbers rob the passengers of all their valuables and then run away
- The passengers hurry towards the shot passenger to attend to him

7. Shot 7

- The robbers run away towards the engine
- They get inside the train engine  compartment
- They drive away in the train engine and fled the scene of crime

8. Shot 8

- After driving the engine far from the scene of crime, the robbers stop the engine, gather all they stole and run away into the woods

9. Shot 9

- The four robbers keep running in the woods until they reach the spot where they have their horses tied up
- They get on their horses and fled

10. Shot 10

- This shot takes us back to the cabin in shot 1 where a man is lying on the floor tied up
- The man tries to free himself of the ropes
- With struggle he gets up, tries to free himself but fails and falls back down to the floor
- A little girl with a tiffin box comes to the cabin
- She sees the man lying on the floor and hurries tiwards him
- She frees him of the shackles
- The man is lying unconcious
- The girl throws water at the man's face and brings him back to his senses

11. Shot 11

- In a room some people are dancing, some are playing music and some are just spectators
- Man 1 comes running towards the people in the room, tells them about the robbery and all of them follow him out of the the room with their guns

12. Shot 12

- People are ridding on their horses through the woods in search of the robbers
- One man falls of the horse
- People continue riding
- The last ride stops to attempt to the fallen rider

13. Shot 13

- The robbers are counting the money they stole
- Meanwhile, other men who were in search of the robbers reach the spot in the woods where the robbers were hiding
- Both parties start firing
- The robbers get shot and fall to the ground
- The other men come near the robbers and start gathering the money that was stolen

14. Shot 14

- A man is shown in close-up staring in the forward direction
- The man pulls out his gun and starts firing

In the last shot, which is shot 14, what I interpret is that maybe the man shown in close up was the gang leader and he is shooting the men who shot his men (the robbers), after which he'd take away the loot and since no one would have seen him as only who did would be dead because of being shot, he'd be hiding in plain sight and yet won't get into any trouble.

We also talked about film time which refers to the time period which is being showed in the film or even the duration of the film compared to the duration depicted in the film and real time which is the actual time in the real world when the film was made and that they aren't necessarily same, similar is the case with film space and real space. For example, a film could be made in 2018 which is about the year 2050 and the film space being shown could be some other planet while the film is still being shot on earth. Also, like tbough The Great Train Robbery is just a 12 minutes long movie but it depicts an entire day.
Also, films often don't show everything but just enough for the audience to be able to fill in the rest of the details.

By going in detail about every shot of the first fiction film, I realised how much of thought and efforts go into making even a small and simple film like The Great Train Robbery.

I also realised that when trusted with some responsibility, it's ones duty to keep others informed when one fails to be able to fulfill the responsibility and to hand it down to someone and seeing to it that the task is being done one way or the other.

- Shikha Singh


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