Day 10
I went to the auditorium on time for class and got seated. The faculty entered the auditorium a few minutes later while an old music video was playing on the screen which was stopped shortly by the IT staff after the faculty's arrival. The faculty took our attendance after which he pointed out that more people responded to their roll calls today compared to the session on 25/01/19 as we had shut down the noises in our heads today. He then went on to discuss the previous day's blog pointing out that our blogs contain half formed ideas which can be misinterpreted. Also, we haven't been writing from a readers' point of view as we've been putting in information irrelevant to the readers and this could make the readers loose interest and stop reading after a few lines. He then went on to say that nothing's happening without a purpose, the activities that we do is actuality and that's what's supposed to go in our documents. The way we document actuality is an art and hence we should do it in a way that it's best aspect gets highlighted. After this he also addressed our doubts regarding the climax in films. He asked us what climax means to which I replied it's the most exciting or intense part of a film. A few more responses came as answers to this question. After which he stressed on the fact that if climax is the most exciting or intense part, then can there be anything more intense or exciting than that and if not then a film cannot have more than one climax. He also called students to make graphs for the movies Happy Anniversary and The Karate Kid in order to clear any further confusions. He then selected 3 students and asked those students to come to the board and draw their emotional graphs during the ten sessions we've had with him so far afterwhich he drew what according to him has been there emotional graph. He also called a student to draw his emotional graph over the period of the same ten days which according to the student was a constant. Soon after this , the students requested for a break. The faculty granted our request and he himself decided to go to the Nescafe and said that we are free to join him there and have a little chat with him. Most students moved out of the auditorium. I was there in the auditorium for a while but assuming that the others would come back shortly but since that didn't happen I decided to go down at the Nescafe where I found the others engaged in a conversation about the life cycle of a butterfly. Soon after which the class was dismissed.
From the part of conversation that I was present for downstairs at the Nescafe all I could comprehend was that the faculty was trying to make us ponder whether what we've doing in our lives so far has been beneficial for the world or anyone for that matter in any way and if not then shouldn't we be doing something to change that.
It was a different session compared to the others because I saw for myself that all important questions aren't the ones being asked within the four walls of a classroom. The one that our faculty asked us at the end of the session while chatting over a cup of coffee, gives us more food for thought than all the others that were raised in the classroom today.
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