The last blog

The Last Blog 7/02/19 With respect to the film appreciation sessions, the journey has been a nice but a little odd one. We've been going about things differently than we have been before in any other subject. From doing our own assignments to ensuring that others are doing it too, from being in the place where we decide what is to be done with those who haven't completed the work to being in their shoes, from sessions in the classroom to the sessions at Nescafe, I've always taken something or the other back home with me. Be it some concept learnt, some new terms, some life lessons or just some good memories of fun times. I won't say I knew what I was getting in at the beginning or that whether I'd even like it or not but now when I think about it, I know I might not have been a fan of these sessions but eventually I realised it wasn't that bad after all and by the end I knew it was all helping me in some way or the other and I ended up liking all of it a...